Saturday, December 31, 2011

HBBC. Week 7- the last week

Sat- 4 miles to hit 160 for the year
Sun- 3.25 miles resolution run and double points day
Mon- 2 miles 20 min strength training
Tues- 2.75miles 10 min st
Wed-2 miles
Thurs- 2.5 miles 20min st
Fri- 20 min st

Fruit and Veg points-7
Week total-17.75 miles points+ 3.5 st + 7 F&V = 28.25

HBBC total points 148.25
Pounds lost during HBBC 20.8

Friday, December 30, 2011

Back on Track

Letting the cat out of the bag caused some mental stumbling around for a couple of weeks. I over walked one week and ate too many calories. Then I got a cold and spent a week in slug mode.

I did well over Christmas week even with eating out and not being home. This week has been ok just wanting 2011 to be over. Looking forward to 2012.

Monday, December 26, 2011

HBBC week 6

Sat-- 1.5 miles
Sun-- off
Mon-- 3 miles
Tues--0.5 miles
Wednesday--2.75 miles
Thur-- 0.75 miles
Friday--3 miles

Fruit and veggie points-- 5 points

Week 6 total--16.5

Monday, December 19, 2011

HBBC week 5

Sun- 0
Mon- 2 miles and 30 min strength training
Tues-3 miles
Wed-3 miles and 20 min st
Thurs-2 miles
Fri- 1 miles
Veggies- 6

This week was better than last week 19.5.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

No More Hiding

Until this last week I was able to brush off the "You look good" comments as a change in hair style but the time for hiding is past. The belly finally shrunk this week 2 weeks.

One of my colleagues told me it was time to Own It I have worked hard and deserve the compliments. It really clicked that she was right I am 1/3 of the way to my goal and the secret phase is over.

Walking is going great I walked 4 miles in 88 minutes last night is was such a good feeling to be able to do it and not feel horrible afterward.

As of today I have walked 800,000 steps!!! Wow, it is incredible that is in just 4 1/2 months with my Fitbit.

HBBC week 4 weak sauce but owning it

12/10--- 3.5 miles. 20 min st
12/13---20 min st
12/14---1 mile

F&V 7 points + 4.5 miles + 2 strength training =13.5 Total

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HBBC week 3

12/3--- 2.8 miles
12/4---1.3 miles
12/5---3 miles + 20 min strength training
12/6---2.26 miles
12/7---2 miles + 10 min st
12/8---3.24 miles
12/9---4 miles

Total--7 F&V +18.6 Miles + 1.5 Strength training = 26.1 total.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

HBBC week 2

11/26---F&V and 3.3 miles
11/27--- F&V and 2 miles
11/28--- F&V and 2.5 miles and 1 point strength training(st)
11/29--- F&V and 1.8 miles
11/30--- F&V and 1.6 miles and 1 pt st
12/1---F&V and 2 miles
12/2--F&V and 3.25 miles & 1 pt st

Weekly total. 7 +16.45 +3 =26.45
So glad I love vegetables. 5 serving salad for lunch is the best fills me up and works great with work.

HBBC week 1

Since I have everything in my net diary
I can add my Prior weeks points
11/21--3.1 miles walked
11/24--2.1 miles
11/25--3.5 miles

F&V --7 servings 6 days

Total points 9.95+ 6 = 15.95

Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge

well I found another challenge that looks like it could be fun since they take in to account fitness level. I am a week late but I am getting started AMANDA at Run to the Finish has over 500 people in the challenge. It is not too late to join in. Go to

The rules for earning points are

"1 Point per mile (run/walk)
1 Point per 3 miles biked
1 Point per 20 minutes of weight lifting, Pilates, yoga, stretching or abs
1 Point per 15 minutes of low impact cardio (i.e. low impact aerobics, easy biking, skiing, skating, water aerobics, snow shoeing)
1 Point per 10 minutes of high impact cardio (i.e.spinning, kickboxing, lap swimming)
1 Per day where you reach a minimum of 7 servings of fruits and veggies (here are details on what is a serving)

Challenge will run from Nov 19 to Jan 6"

Thanks Amanda
Weekly posts will track my progress.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Total Gym

I am so excited just did my first 30 min total gym workout. I decided that being 1/3 done with the weight loss phase of the journey meant a couple things.
1. It is time to own up to losing weight. Straightening my hair has worked as a great distraction.
2. Walking is what my knees need not running. So my treadmill will work just fine for another few months.
3. Strength training must be a part of the weekly plan. So of course I got a total gym for losing 80 lbs. well I am a pound away but that is close enough for workout gear.
4. Making it through the first holiday weekend without treats feels amazing.

This is not a diet this is becoming just what I do.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

100 miles

I was planning to hit 100 miles by Thanksgiving but I was a couple days late. I am excited to have that first 100 behind me. It is nice to be able to walk 3 miles at a 2.7 mph pace comfortably. I had pushed myself pretty hard yesterday so today was all about just getting the 3.3 miles neede to hit 100 miles. I am trying to get in 60 miles by the end of the year.

Diet wise it is going good. The basic framework of my daily meals is working pretty well egg or yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast. Salad and carb for lunch, protein and veg for dinner. Target a 900 calorie deficit between maintenance metabolic rate and exercise plus food.

I am looking forward to adding in some strength training to increase burn and target upper body more. I know that walking is great but I have improved my fitness level enough that I need move to a more balanced workout plan.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

70 70 the numbers game

I realized this morning that my treadmill miles are now equal to my lbs lost.

Since I am walking a couple of miles a day the next goal is to double the miles to lbs lost. Maybe I can get to 170 85 by the end if the year that seems like a reasonable thing especially with a couple of long walks on weekends and a couple of holidays. Yes that is 100 miles by the end of the year. I can do it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

25% done

I am amazed that it just 4 months I am down one quarter of the weight I want to lose. I know that a big chunk of the battle has been simply getting my fitness level up. So far I have lost every week but I know those flat and up weeks will happen.

It is so different to think about what I want to wear. Yeah I better plan to up that clothing budget STAT. Well I am down to 2 pair of pants so it is will be a laundry filled week but I am so close to the next one I can not spend money on the larger ones.

This week I will walk 10 miles on the treadmill and hit 500,000 steps since 8/1/11.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

7 bags of clothes donated. Yeah

Well I have lots of empty hangers I donated 90 gallons of cloths to the salvation army today!!!

It is a little scary to see how empty the closet is now, granted it is huge and not normally full so getting rid of 60% or more is a lot of empty hangers.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lacing up new shoes 50 miles

Couple of things from this week I hit the 50 mile mark on the treadmill. So I thought new walking shoes would be an appropriate purchase. But the best part was just bending over to tie them. Wow I am surprised every week or so by things I was doing to accommodate my girth without really thinking about it. Slowly getting out of the car to hopping out. Tying my shoes then putting them on and walking carefully because they were not tight on my foot. Thinking about going up and down stairs. Planning trips to the store to minimize walking to wandering to increase step count. Hitting a couple 10,0000 step days without my knees protesting.
My other struggle this week has been having more clothes that are to big to wear rather than too small. Donation day is coming the great closet cleanout is almost done. Yesterday I added four more shirts to the too big pile before I found one I could wear to work. Of course as soon as it is clean it is headed out the door too. I bought four shirts yesterday that gives me 7 to wear until I am down another size. I have pants in 4 sizes now i am not thrilled with the fit but I can get by with 2 pair. I have to remember that I had 6 pairs of the same black pants that I wore everyday for 4-5 years.

Another great thing having my glasses refit so they do not fall off my nose now that my temples are not holding them in place. Just a few of the random new developments.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

47,130 steps in just 7 days

Yes I finally made it to an average of more than 7,000 steps a day. This week I should hit 350,000 steps since August 1.

Friday, October 7, 2011

40 miles and what is working

Tonight I will finally hit 40 miles on the treadmill. I have not been walking as much as I should. But this week is much better. I can only do so much and as long as there is less of me each week it is working. It took many couch potato years to get here and I am back to 2004 already.

Limiting calories is working at this point but I have to get moving to accelerate the losses through the plateaus as my metabolism adjusts to the new more normal calorie intake. I am really liking the feedback on fitbit. Seeing that I am hitting steps and activity goals. Yes I did walk around the house at 11 last night to break the 8000 mark. is a great tool I have it set in autopilot mode so it calculates the calories and excersie needed to hit my next goal. It is these week to week adjustments to make from a basal metabolic rate standpoint that help to see what impact each week has on my overall health. I am intentionally using both to decided which will be the better tool for 2012. It is strange to double log food and activities but from not logging to logging everything was already a difficult change. I use netdiary then replicate it in to the fitbit log at night. They both are good tools. I may keep using both since they have unique features. I like the reports from fitbit.

Headed home to get 1.4 miles logged on the treadmill....

PS limiting calories is not extreme 1700-1900 daily----lots to lose at this point

It is strange to think that I am 20% done with the weight loss.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back on Track

So not sure how a whole month went by. I have been back on track. Expecting to be down 50 lbs next week. Granted it will be the easiest 50 but it took a few years to pack it on. Back to 2005-6 sizes and my knees are thankful. New sizes from too tight in well worn pants to a little loose in the next size down. Shirts are odd at my size they are variable from shirt to shirt. I can see it in my face comparing photos and in my seatbelt.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rough Ride

The last 5 days have been tough lots going on and energy at a way low point. Need to get back on track. I have been ticking through the 101 in 1001. Update coming Friday. Down 30 lbs so that is good. Nails back to nubs just a few breaks, & cracks add some boredom and you are back to nubs.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hanging on

Another good week down. I had a great weekend. Got lots of house stuff done. I had a long list of things to pickup at various stores so I headed out early and got everything done on the list. Adding more exercise into the mix this week. I am getting much better at getting up and organized in the mornings to eat breakfast and pack a salad lunch. The digital scale is the best thing and recording every bite really helps to see when and how to improve each day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekly update

Another good week behind me it is daunting to look at the whole of the journey but even lions eat elephants one bite at a time. The changes are all adding up to a good thing. Who knew a carls jr. Guacamole turkey burger could be so filling and satisfying?? Even managed to not order fries. The line was so long that they got paid in more than 1.50 in change (only 3 quarters,nickels and pennies) my wallet is even losing weight.

Monday, August 1, 2011

10 miles

So I know that is a small number but for someone who has not exercised in years. Ten miles on a treadmill is an accomplishment even when it is over the course of fifteen days. This is an indicator of just how much my shape is really best described as round.

I did bang out a whole mile in one day on Saturday!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week one

It is tough to make allot of lifestyle changes all at once. Last week was incredibly successful. Good number on the scale headed in the right direction. No bitten nails. Four days with exercise. No fast food or purchased pre-cooked dinners. No out of budget calorie days. Not to say it was perfect but for today Life is All Good!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Grand Plan

So what is the grand plan? How can I go from who I am to who I want to be? It really comes down to three things.

Healthy- from morbid obesity to healthy. Accomplish this by vigilantly setting goals and making choice that head me in the right direction. I know what to do I just need to do it without fail.

Wealthy- from getting by to a well planned and funded retirement. I have dug my self out of debt. Now it is time to aim that focus on ways to get more in savings. Funding the IRA and 401K are in place and will continue. This is the goal to have the fully funded 8 month emergency account. To save for a comfortable retirement.

Wise- this one is more nebulous right now. I need to decide if this is includes another advanced degree or if it is self education. There are so many ways to be wise that there will be many opportunities for wisdom.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The list is filled out. It took a few days since I wanted real goals for the bulk of them with some fun ones thrown in. My intention is to have a weekly update on my progress(91)

I have completed one that was just a matter of finding the right product to start on the healthy part of the GRAND PLAN.
Buy a treadmill(18) and complete 5 workouts. So I have not really worked out since college so these were more sweaty than lengthy but they are headed in the right direction.

Monday, July 18, 2011


It seems like a good idea to start a blog with the start of a new life style. Scraps of Life is about how you can grow and change as you navigate life. Sometimes it is all about taking the scraps and make something great. Other days it is about making scraps for assembly later.
I am setting out to be the adult I thought I would grow up to be.