Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rough Ride

The last 5 days have been tough lots going on and energy at a way low point. Need to get back on track. I have been ticking through the 101 in 1001. Update coming Friday. Down 30 lbs so that is good. Nails back to nubs just a few breaks, & cracks add some boredom and you are back to nubs.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hanging on

Another good week down. I had a great weekend. Got lots of house stuff done. I had a long list of things to pickup at various stores so I headed out early and got everything done on the list. Adding more exercise into the mix this week. I am getting much better at getting up and organized in the mornings to eat breakfast and pack a salad lunch. The digital scale is the best thing and recording every bite really helps to see when and how to improve each day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekly update

Another good week behind me it is daunting to look at the whole of the journey but even lions eat elephants one bite at a time. The changes are all adding up to a good thing. Who knew a carls jr. Guacamole turkey burger could be so filling and satisfying?? Even managed to not order fries. The line was so long that they got paid in more than 1.50 in change (only 3 quarters,nickels and pennies) my wallet is even losing weight.

Monday, August 1, 2011

10 miles

So I know that is a small number but for someone who has not exercised in years. Ten miles on a treadmill is an accomplishment even when it is over the course of fifteen days. This is an indicator of just how much my shape is really best described as round.

I did bang out a whole mile in one day on Saturday!!!!