Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week one

It is tough to make allot of lifestyle changes all at once. Last week was incredibly successful. Good number on the scale headed in the right direction. No bitten nails. Four days with exercise. No fast food or purchased pre-cooked dinners. No out of budget calorie days. Not to say it was perfect but for today Life is All Good!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Grand Plan

So what is the grand plan? How can I go from who I am to who I want to be? It really comes down to three things.

Healthy- from morbid obesity to healthy. Accomplish this by vigilantly setting goals and making choice that head me in the right direction. I know what to do I just need to do it without fail.

Wealthy- from getting by to a well planned and funded retirement. I have dug my self out of debt. Now it is time to aim that focus on ways to get more in savings. Funding the IRA and 401K are in place and will continue. This is the goal to have the fully funded 8 month emergency account. To save for a comfortable retirement.

Wise- this one is more nebulous right now. I need to decide if this is includes another advanced degree or if it is self education. There are so many ways to be wise that there will be many opportunities for wisdom.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The list is filled out. It took a few days since I wanted real goals for the bulk of them with some fun ones thrown in. My intention is to have a weekly update on my progress(91)

I have completed one that was just a matter of finding the right product to start on the healthy part of the GRAND PLAN.
Buy a treadmill(18) and complete 5 workouts. So I have not really worked out since college so these were more sweaty than lengthy but they are headed in the right direction.

Monday, July 18, 2011


It seems like a good idea to start a blog with the start of a new life style. Scraps of Life is about how you can grow and change as you navigate life. Sometimes it is all about taking the scraps and make something great. Other days it is about making scraps for assembly later.
I am setting out to be the adult I thought I would grow up to be.