Thursday, February 23, 2012

100 pounds down

Wow I can not believe I am down 100 I had a great week. It is such a good feeling to be making such a big change and to really truly feel so much better. This week at work has been totally busy and stressful. But I know old me would not have made it through as successfully as new me. I still have such a long ways to go but I am back to the 200's and I know I will see the 100's. Tonight calgon is taking the day away instead of pizza hut and Hagen daz. I have 12,000 steps on my fitbit and had the thought that I should hit the mill just to earn the 15,000 step badge but my legs are sore and need the rest. It have been a long day and some blogging and an early bedtime are the right choices.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sole F 80 Treadmill & Jan Review

I got a great Christmas present a Sole F80 treadmill. It is really nice. I am still walking but changing the incline and adding intervals has pumped up the intensity.
I have walked 50 miles so far this year.
Completed 2 virtual 5K's.
Lost 7 more lbs.

The mental game has been the biggest challenge this month. It is harder to stay on track somedays. Work has been more hectic and I know I have used that as an excuse. Trying to decide if a friendship is worth more time or if it is just time to let it go. I know this is weighing me down so I am adding this to my task list for this week.